The Blue Tiger

The underside of a Blue Tiger, Magnetic Island, 18 June 2024. Photo: A. Fielding.
Blue Tiger, Magnetic Island, 18 June 2024. Photo: T. Fielding.

…all this existed before, has always existed, but you were unaware. You didn’t see.

Sharman Apt Russell
Photographing butterflies in the Butterfly Forest, Magnetic Island. Photo: T. Fielding, 2024.

…the air was for the space of 3 or 4 acres crowded with them to a wonderful degree: the eye could not be turned in any direction without seeing millions and yet every branch and twig was almost covered with those that sat still.

Joseph Banks
A surprise visitor to the garden, a Blue Tiger, 31 March 2024. Photo: T. Fielding.
A Blue Tiger, observed at Pallarenda, Townsville, 19 May 2024. Photo: T. Fielding.
Four Blue Tigers and one Purple Crow, Magnetic Island, 18 June 2024. Photo: T. Fielding.

  1. This location is believed to have been close to what is now Stanage Bay, about 175 km north of Rockhampton, Queensland. (See Robinson & Vane-Wright). ↩︎

Author: Trisha Fielding

I am a writer, historian, and amateur photographer living in North Queensland, Australia. My latest book: 'Expedition to the Great Barrier Reef', was published as an eBook by James Cook University Library in 2023

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